🔐 — requires authentication
🪙 — cost of calling in request tokens (see Rate Limits )
GET /v1/companies
🔐 🪙 1
Fetches all companies registered on the platform.
: Uuid (optional) — filters output by company ID
: int (optional, max=10,000) — used for pagination
: int (optional) — used for pagination
Output type : ApiPage[Company]
Example output
Copy {
"result" : [
"created_at" : "2024-01-01T18:44:33.846999Z" ,
"id" : "bdd68c99-65fe-4500-baae-5bc09b4af183" ,
"is_lp" : true ,
"legal_name" : "Example company" ,
"short_name" : "EXMPL"
} ,
"created_at" : "2024-02-01 18:44:51.817012Z" ,
"id" : "af13119d-4ed1-4718-aea3-fecee4764837" ,
"is_lp" : false ,
"legal_name" : "Another company" ,
"short_name" : "ANTHR"
] ,
"pagination" : {
"next_page" : null
Python SDK:
Copy def get_companies ( self , id : Optional [ str ] = None ,
page : Optional [ Dict ] = None ) -> ApiPage [ Company ]
SDK examples
Copy f # iterate over companies
for company in paginate (client.get_companies):
# load all companies into a list (eagerly request all pages)
companies = list ( paginate (client.get_companies))
# fetch company metadata by id
company_id = "bdd68c99-65fe-4500-baae-5bc09b4af183"
company = client . get_companies (id = company_id). result [ 0 ]
GET /v1/portfolio/assets
🔐 🪙 1
Fetches current asset balances for the authenticated user.
: Uuid (optional) — filters output by settlement pool; if not specified, a summary across all settlement pools is returned
: int (optional, max=10,000) — used for pagination
: int (optional) — used for pagination
Output type : ApiPage[Asset]
Example output
Copy {
"result" : [
"asset" : "USDC" ,
"company" : "bdd68c99-65fe-4500-baae-5bc09b4af183" ,
"pool_location" : "cdfbea44-7e75-4688-a3ea-e8d097ae7ede" ,
"qty" : "2103.191818"
"pagination" : {
"next_page" : null
Python SDK:
Copy def get_portfolio_assets ( self , pool : Optional [ str ] = None ,
page : Optional [ Dict ] = None ) -> ApiPage [ Asset ]
SDK examples
Copy # iterate over all assets
for assets in paginate (client.get_portfolio_assets):
# load all assets in a specific pool into a list (eagerly request all pages)
pool_id = "cdfbea44-7e75-4688-a3ea-e8d097ae7ede"
assets = list ( paginate (client.get_portfolio_assets, pool = pool_id))
GET /v1/portfolio/positions
🔐 🪙 1
Fetches current position balances for the authenticated user.
: Uuid (optional) — filters output by settlement pool; if not specified, a summary across all settlement pools is returned
: int (optional, max=10,000) — used for pagination
: int (optional) — used for pagination
Output type : ApiPage[Position]
Example output
Copy {
"result" : [
"avg_entry_price" : "65215.000000000000" ,
"company" : "af13119d-4ed1-4718-aea3-fecee4764837" ,
"instrument" : {
"expiry" : "2024-04-05T08:00:00Z" ,
"instrument_type" : "dated_future" ,
"settlement_asset" : "USDC" ,
"underlying" : "BTC"
} ,
"pool_location" : "cdfbea44-7e75-4688-a3ea-e8d097ae7ede" ,
"qty" : "1" ,
"taker_qty" : "0" ,
"updated_at" : "2024-04-02T23:16:52.344386Z"
] ,
"pagination" : {
"next_page" : null
Python SDK:
Copy def get_portfolio_positions ( self , pool : Optional [ str ] = None ,
page : Optional [ Dict ] = None ) -> ApiPage [ Position ]
SDK examples
Copy # iterate over positions in a specific settlement pool
pool_id = "cdfbea44-7e75-4688-a3ea-e8d097ae7ede"
for positions in paginate (client.get_portfolio_positions, pool = pool_id):
# load all your positions into a list (eagerly request all pages)
positions = list ( paginate (client.get_portfolio_positions))
GET /v1/portfolio/positions/aggregated
🔐 🪙 10
Fetches aggregated positions for the authenticated user.
: int (optional, max=10,000) — used for pagination
: int (optional) — used for pagination
Output type : ApiPage[AggregatedPosition]
Example output
Copy {
"result" : [
"iv" : "0" ,
"notional" : "65833.1739032583" ,
"position_info" : {
"avg_entry_price" : "65215" ,
"company" : "af13119d-4ed1-4718-aea3-fecee4764837" ,
"instrument" : {
"expiry" : "2024-04-05T08:00:00Z" ,
"instrument_type" : "dated_future" ,
"settlement_asset" : "USDC" ,
"underlying" : "BTC"
} ,
"pool_location" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ,
"qty" : "1" ,
"taker_qty" : "0" ,
"updated_at" : "2024-04-02T23:16:52.344386Z"
} ,
"price" : "65896.65104296" ,
"sum_delta" : "1" ,
"sum_gamma" : "0" ,
"sum_rho" : "0" ,
"sum_theta" : "0" ,
"sum_vega" : "0" ,
"underlying_price" : "65833.1739032583" ,
"upnl" : "681.65104296"
] ,
"pagination" : {
"next_page" : null
} ,
Python SDK:
Copy def get_portfolio_aggregated_positions ( self , page : Optional [ Dict ] = None ) \
-> ApiPage [ AggregatedPosition ]
SDK examples
Copy # iterate over your company's aggregated positions
for positions in paginate (client.get_portfolio_aggregated_positions):
# load all your aggregated positions into a list (eagerly request all pages)
positions = list ( paginate (client.get_portfolio_aggregated_positions))
GET /v1/portfolio/trades
🔐 🪙 1
Fetches trades for the authenticated user.
: Uuid (optional) — filters output by settlement pool
: Uuid (optional) — filters output by trade ID
: int (optional, max=10,000) — used for pagination
: int (optional) — used for pagination
Output type : ApiPage[Trade]
Example output
Copy {
"result" : [
"company" : "af13119d-4ed1-4718-aea3-fecee4764837" ,
"created_at" : "2024-04-02T23:16:52.344386Z" ,
"id" : "01efd105-07d7-43d9-9f51-886af0aa8b25" ,
"instrument" : {
"expiry" : "2024-04-05T08:00:00Z" ,
"instrument_type" : "dated_future" ,
"settlement_asset" : "USDC" ,
"underlying" : "BTC"
} ,
"pool_location" : "cdfbea44-7e75-4688-a3ea-e8d097ae7ede" ,
"price" : "65215" ,
"qty" : "1" ,
"role" : "maker" ,
"side" : "buy" ,
"source_quote" : "adb18efb-aee3-4c0f-9e96-082c2849601d" ,
"source_rfq" : "564eeecb-7466-4af4-b833-907835d6e83b" ,
"source_rfq_leg_id" : "635976ac-d5ea-4f44-b25a-2de18cc0cade" ,
"trade_type" : "trade"
] ,
"pagination" : {
"next_page" : null
Python SDK:
Copy def get_portfolio_trades ( self , pool : Optional [ str ] = None , id : Optional [ str ] = None ,
page : Optional [ Dict ] = None ) -> ApiPage [ Trade ]
SDK examples
Copy # iterate over trades in a specific settlement pool
pool_id = "cdfbea44-7e75-4688-a3ea-e8d097ae7ede"
for trade in paginate (client.get_portfolio_trades, pool = pool_id):
# fetch a trade by id
trade_id = "01efd105-07d7-43d9-9f51-886af0aa8b25"
trade = client . get_portfolio_trades (id = trade_id). result [ 0 ]
GET /v1/portfolio/summary
🔐 🪙 10
Fetches the aggregated summary of the authenticated user's positions: balance, uPNL and the Greeks (risk).
Parameters: None.
Output type : ApiSingle[PortfolioSummary]
Example output
Copy {
"result" : {
"sum_balance" : "1169.5439289533" ,
"sum_delta" : "1" ,
"sum_dollar_delta" : "65660.2180115883" ,
"sum_dollar_gamma" : "0" ,
"sum_gamma" : "0" ,
"sum_notional" : "65660.2180115883" ,
"sum_rho" : "0" ,
"sum_theta" : "0" ,
"sum_upnl" : "529.6761819533" ,
"sum_vega" : "0"
Python SDK:
Copy def get_portfolio_summary ( self ) -> ApiSingle [ PortfolioSummary ]
SDK examples
Copy summary = client . get_portfolio_summary (). result
GET /v1/quotes, GET /v1/quotes/sent and GET /v1/quotes/received
🔐 🪙 1
Fetches quotes sent or received by the authenticated user.
: Uuid (optional) — filters output by quote ID
: int (optional, max=1,000) — used for pagination
: int (optional) — used for pagination
Output type : ApiPage[Quote]
Example output
Copy {
"result" : [
"aggregated_ask" : null ,
"aggregated_bid" : "65215" ,
"clearing_events" : [
"created_at" : "2024-04-02T22:52:46.609140Z" ,
"parent_quote_id" : "5368f58e-f385-44cc-a9e5-2e8ea51913bb" ,
"rfq_id" : "564eeecb-7466-4af4-b833-907835d6e83b" ,
"status" : "pending_pool_creation" ,
"taker_side" : "sell"
} ,
"created_at" : "2024-04-02T22:55:34.122263Z" ,
"parent_quote_id" : "5368f58e-f385-44cc-a9e5-2e8ea51913bb" ,
"rfq_id" : "564eeecb-7466-4af4-b833-907835d6e83b" ,
"status" : "pending_taker_deposit_approval" ,
"taker_side" : null
] ,
"clearing_status" : "pending_taker_deposit_approval" ,
"client_quote_id" : "my quote 2" ,
"creator_params" : {
"margin_mode" : "simple" ,
"params" : {
"asset_params" : {} ,
"auto_liquidation" : true ,
"default_asset_param" : {
"futures_initial_margin" : "0.02" ,
"futures_leverage" : "20000" ,
"futures_maintenance_margin" : "0.01" ,
"option_initial_margin" : "0.15" ,
"option_initial_margin_min" : "0.1" ,
"option_maintenance_margin" : "0.075"
} ,
"liquidation_penalty" : "0.1"
} ,
"expires_at" : "2024-04-03T10:49:20.685499Z" ,
"maker_company" : "af13119d-4ed1-4718-aea3-fecee4764837" ,
"new_pool_name" : "API test pool" ,
"other_params" : {
"margin_mode" : "simple" ,
"params" : {
"asset_params" : {} ,
"auto_liquidation" : true ,
"default_asset_param" : {
"futures_initial_margin" : "0.02" ,
"futures_leverage" : "20000" ,
"futures_maintenance_margin" : "0.01" ,
"option_initial_margin" : "0.15" ,
"option_initial_margin_min" : "0.1" ,
"option_maintenance_margin" : "0.075"
} ,
"liquidation_penalty" : "0.1"
} ,
"parent_quote_id" : "5368f58e-f385-44cc-a9e5-2e8ea51913bb" ,
"per_leg_quotes" : [
"ask" : null ,
"bid" : "65215" ,
"target_rfq_leg_id" : "635976ac-d5ea-4f44-b25a-2de18cc0cade"
] ,
"pool_location" : "cdfbea44-7e75-4688-a3ea-e8d097ae7ede" ,
"target_rfq_id" : "564eeecb-7466-4af4-b833-907835d6e83b"
] ,
"pagination" : {
"next_page" : null
Python SDK:
Copy def get_quotes ( self , id : Optional [ str ] = None ,
page : Optional [ Dict ] = None ) -> ApiPage [ Quote ]
def get_quotes_sent (self, id : Optional[ str ] = None ,
page: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> ApiPage [ Quote ]
def get_quotes_received (self, id : Optional[ str ] = None ,
page: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> ApiPage [ Quote ]
SDK examples
Copy # iterate over all of your company's sent quotes
for quote in paginate (client.get_quotes_sent):
# fetch a received quote by id
quote_id = "5368f58e-f385-44cc-a9e5-2e8ea51913bb"
quote = client . get_quotes_received (id = quote_id). result [ 0 ]
POST /v1/quotes/new
🔐 🪙 20
Used to submit a quote in response to a particular RFQ as a maker.
JSON payload keys:
: Uuid — ID of the target RFQ
: DateTimeRFC3339 — expiration time
: List[LegQuote] — quotes for individual RFQ legs
: PoolStrategy — reuse an existing pool or create a new one
: str (optional, max length: 50 characters) — arbitrary string for your internal reference
Example input
Copy {
"rfq_id" : "564eeecb-7466-4af4-b833-907835d6e83b" ,
"expires_at" : "2024-04-03T10:45:24.967356Z" ,
"leg_quotes" : [
"target_rfq_leg_id" : "635976ac-d5ea-4f44-b25a-2de18cc0cade" ,
"bid" : "65220"
] ,
"pool_strategy" : {
"strategy" : "create_new" ,
"name" : "API test pool" ,
"creator_params" : {
"margin_mode" : "simple" ,
"params" : {
"liquidation_penalty" : "0.1" ,
"auto_liquidation" : true ,
"asset_params" : {} ,
"default_asset_param" : {
"futures_initial_margin" : "0.02" ,
"futures_maintenance_margin" : "0.01" ,
"futures_leverage" : "20000" ,
"option_initial_margin" : "0.15" ,
"option_initial_margin_min" : "0.1" ,
"option_maintenance_margin" : "0.075"
} ,
"other_params" : {
"margin_mode" : "simple" ,
"params" : {
"liquidation_penalty" : "0.1" ,
"auto_liquidation" : true ,
"asset_params" : {} ,
"default_asset_param" : {
"futures_initial_margin" : "0.02" ,
"futures_maintenance_margin" : "0.01" ,
"futures_leverage" : "20000" ,
"option_initial_margin" : "0.15" ,
"option_initial_margin_min" : "0.1" ,
"option_maintenance_margin" : "0.075"
} ,
"client_quote_id" : "my quote"
Output type: ApiSingle[Quote]
Example output
Copy {
"result" : {
"aggregated_ask" : null ,
"aggregated_bid" : "65220" ,
"clearing_events" : [] ,
"clearing_status" : null ,
"client_quote_id" : "my quote" ,
"creator_params" : {
"margin_mode" : "simple" ,
"params" : {
"asset_params" : {} ,
"auto_liquidation" : true ,
"default_asset_param" : {
"futures_initial_margin" : "0.02" ,
"futures_leverage" : "20000" ,
"futures_maintenance_margin" : "0.01" ,
"option_initial_margin" : "0.15" ,
"option_initial_margin_min" : "0.1" ,
"option_maintenance_margin" : "0.075"
} ,
"liquidation_penalty" : "0.1"
} ,
"expires_at" : "2024-04-03T10:45:24.967356Z" ,
"maker_company" : "af13119d-4ed1-4718-aea3-fecee4764837" ,
"new_pool_name" : "API test pool" ,
"other_params" : {
"margin_mode" : "simple" ,
"params" : {
"asset_params" : {} ,
"auto_liquidation" : true ,
"default_asset_param" : {
"futures_initial_margin" : "0.02" ,
"futures_leverage" : "20000" ,
"futures_maintenance_margin" : "0.01" ,
"option_initial_margin" : "0.15" ,
"option_initial_margin_min" : "0.1" ,
"option_maintenance_margin" : "0.075"
} ,
"liquidation_penalty" : "0.1"
} ,
"parent_quote_id" : "37dac6e5-8f91-4cef-9e1e-53042e30991a" ,
"per_leg_quotes" : [
"ask" : null ,
"bid" : "65220" ,
"target_rfq_leg_id" : "635976ac-d5ea-4f44-b25a-2de18cc0cade"
] ,
"pool_location" : null ,
"target_rfq_id" : "564eeecb-7466-4af4-b833-907835d6e83b"
Python SDK:
Copy def create_quote ( self , rfq_id : UUIDv4 , expires_at : DateTimeRFC3339 ,
leg_quotes : List [ LegQuote ], pool_strategy : PoolStrategy ,
client_quote_id : Optional [ str ] = None ) -> ApiSingle [ Quote ]
SDK examples
Copy margin_params = {
"margin_mode" : MarginMode . SIMPLE ,
"params" : {
"liquidation_penalty" : "0.1" ,
"auto_liquidation" : True ,
"asset_params" : {},
"default_asset_param" : {
"futures_initial_margin" : "0.02" ,
"futures_maintenance_margin" : "0.01" ,
"futures_leverage" : "20000" ,
"option_initial_margin" : "0.15" ,
"option_initial_margin_min" : "0.1" ,
"option_maintenance_margin" : "0.075" ,
new_quote = maker_client . create_quote (
rfq_id = "564eeecb-7466-4af4-b833-907835d6e83b" ,
expires_at = "2024-04-03T10:45:24.967356Z" ,
client_quote_id = "my quote" ,
leg_quotes = [
"target_rfq_leg_id" : "635976ac-d5ea-4f44-b25a-2de18cc0cade" ,
"bid" : "65220"
pool_strategy = {
"strategy" : PoolStrategyType.CREATE_NEW,
"name" : "API test pool" ,
"creator_params" : margin_params,
"other_params" : margin_params
). result
POST /v1/quotes/cancel
🔐 🪙 20
Cancels a previously created quote.
JSON payload keys:
: Uuid — ID of the quote to cancel
Example input
Copy {
"id" : "37dac6e5-8f91-4cef-9e1e-53042e30991a"
Output type: ApiSingle[bool]
Example outputPython SDK:
Copy def cancel_quote ( self , id : UUIDv4) -> ApiSingle [ bool ]
SDK example
Copy client . cancel_quote (id = "3025fca3-114e-4476-a993-93286a7dd43f" )
POST /v1/quotes/cancel_all
🔐 🪙 20
Cancels all of the authenticated user's outstanding quotes.
Output type: ApiSingle[bool]
Example outputPython SDK:
Copy def cancel_all_quotes ( self ) -> ApiSingle [ bool ]
SDK examples
Copy client . cancel_all_quotes ()
POST /v1/quotes/replace
🔐 🪙 20
Used to cancel an existing quote and submit a new one for the same particular RFQ.
JSON payload keys:
: Uuid — ID of the existing quote to cancel
: Uuid — ID of the target RFQ
: DateTimeRFC3339 — expiration time
: List[LegQuote] — quotes for individual RFQ legs
: PoolStrategy — reuse an existing pool or create a new one
: str (optional) — arbitrary string for your internal reference
Example input
Copy {
"parent_quote_id" : "37dac6e5-8f91-4cef-9e1e-53042e30991a" ,
"rfq_id" : "564eeecb-7466-4af4-b833-907835d6e83b" ,
"expires_at" : "2024-04-03T10:49:20.685499Z" ,
"leg_quotes" : [
"target_rfq_leg_id" : "635976ac-d5ea-4f44-b25a-2de18cc0cade" ,
"bid" : "65215"
] ,
"pool_strategy" : {
"strategy" : "create_new" ,
"name" : "API test pool" ,
"creator_params" : {
"margin_mode" : "simple" ,
"params" : {
"liquidation_penalty" : "0.1" ,
"auto_liquidation" : true ,
"asset_params" : {} ,
"default_asset_param" : {
"futures_initial_margin" : "0.02" ,
"futures_maintenance_margin" : "0.01" ,
"futures_leverage" : "20000" ,
"option_initial_margin" : "0.15" ,
"option_initial_margin_min" : "0.1" ,
"option_maintenance_margin" : "0.075"
} ,
"other_params" : {
"margin_mode" : "simple" ,
"params" : {
"liquidation_penalty" : "0.1" ,
"auto_liquidation" : true ,
"asset_params" : {} ,
"default_asset_param" : {
"futures_initial_margin" : "0.02" ,
"futures_maintenance_margin" : "0.01" ,
"futures_leverage" : "20000" ,
"option_initial_margin" : "0.15" ,
"option_initial_margin_min" : "0.1" ,
"option_maintenance_margin" : "0.075"
} ,
"client_quote_id" : "my quote 2"
Output type: ApiSingle[Quote]
Example output
Copy {
"result" : {
"aggregated_ask" : null ,
"aggregated_bid" : "65215" ,
"clearing_events" : [] ,
"clearing_status" : null ,
"client_quote_id" : "my quote 2" ,
"creator_params" : {
"margin_mode" : "simple" ,
"params" : {
"asset_params" : {} ,
"auto_liquidation" : true ,
"default_asset_param" : {
"futures_initial_margin" : "0.02" ,
"futures_leverage" : "20000" ,
"futures_maintenance_margin" : "0.01" ,
"option_initial_margin" : "0.15" ,
"option_initial_margin_min" : "0.1" ,
"option_maintenance_margin" : "0.075"
} ,
"liquidation_penalty" : "0.1"
} ,
"expires_at" : "2024-04-03T10:49:20.685499Z" ,
"maker_company" : "af13119d-4ed1-4718-aea3-fecee4764837" ,
"new_pool_name" : "API test pool" ,
"other_params" : {
"margin_mode" : "simple" ,
"params" : {
"asset_params" : {} ,
"auto_liquidation" : true ,
"default_asset_param" : {
"futures_initial_margin" : "0.02" ,
"futures_leverage" : "20000" ,
"futures_maintenance_margin" : "0.01" ,
"option_initial_margin" : "0.15" ,
"option_initial_margin_min" : "0.1" ,
"option_maintenance_margin" : "0.075"
} ,
"liquidation_penalty" : "0.1"
} ,
"parent_quote_id" : "5368f58e-f385-44cc-a9e5-2e8ea51913bb" ,
"per_leg_quotes" : [
"ask" : null ,
"bid" : "65215" ,
"target_rfq_leg_id" : "635976ac-d5ea-4f44-b25a-2de18cc0cade"
] ,
"pool_location" : null ,
"target_rfq_id" : "564eeecb-7466-4af4-b833-907835d6e83b"
Python SDK:
Copy def replace_quote ( self , parent_quote_id : UUIDv4 , rfq_id : UUIDv4 ,
expires_at : DateTimeRFC3339 , leg_quotes : List [ LegQuote ],
pool_strategy : PoolStrategy ,
client_quote_id : Optional [ str ] = None ) -> ApiSingle [ Quote ]
SDK examples
Copy margin_params = {
"margin_mode" : MarginMode . SIMPLE ,
"params" : {
"liquidation_penalty" : "0.1" ,
"auto_liquidation" : True ,
"asset_params" : {},
"default_asset_param" : {
"futures_initial_margin" : "0.02" ,
"futures_maintenance_margin" : "0.01" ,
"futures_leverage" : "20000" ,
"option_initial_margin" : "0.15" ,
"option_initial_margin_min" : "0.1" ,
"option_maintenance_margin" : "0.075" ,
new_quote = maker_client . replace_quote (
parent_quote_id = "37dac6e5-8f91-4cef-9e1e-53042e30991a" ,
rfq_id = "564eeecb-7466-4af4-b833-907835d6e83b" ,
expires_at = "2024-04-03T10:49:20.685499Z" ,
client_quote_id = "my quote 2" ,
leg_quotes = [
"target_rfq_leg_id" : "635976ac-d5ea-4f44-b25a-2de18cc0cade" ,
"bid" : "65215"
pool_strategy = {
"strategy" : PoolStrategyType.CREATE_NEW,
"name" : "API test pool" ,
"creator_params" : margin_params,
"other_params" : margin_params
). result
POST /v1/quotes/accept
🔐 🪙 20
Used to accept a quote and create a trade as a taker.
JSON payload keys:
: Uuid — ID of the quote to accept
: Uuid — ID of the target RFQ
: TradeSide — "buy" or "sell"
Example input
Copy {
"parent_quote_id" : "5368f58e-f385-44cc-a9e5-2e8ea51913bb" ,
"rfq_id" : "564eeecb-7466-4af4-b833-907835d6e83b" ,
"side" : "sell"
Output type: ApiSingle[QuoteAcceptResponse]
Example output
Copy {
"result" : {
"new_clearing_status" : "pending_pool_creation" ,
"pending_deposits_sum_qty" : "2103.191818" ,
"pending_settlement_pool" : {
"company_id" : "bdd68c99-65fe-4500-baae-5bc09b4af183" ,
"data" : {
"creator_address" : "0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266" ,
"creator_company_margin_usage" : {
"balance" : "0" ,
"company" : "bdd68c99-65fe-4500-baae-5bc09b4af183" ,
"margin_params" : {
"margin_mode" : "simple" ,
"params" : {
"asset_params" : {} ,
"auto_liquidation" : true ,
"default_asset_param" : {
"futures_initial_margin" : "0.02" ,
"futures_leverage" : "20000" ,
"futures_maintenance_margin" : "0.01" ,
"option_initial_margin" : "0.15" ,
"option_initial_margin_min" : "0.1" ,
"option_maintenance_margin" : "0.075"
} ,
"liquidation_penalty" : "0.1"
} ,
"margin_usage" : {
"initial_margin" : "0" ,
"maintenance_margin" : "0"
} ,
"max_withdrawable_amount" : "0"
} ,
"other_address" : "0xa0ee7a142d267c1f36714e4a8f75612f20a79720" ,
"other_company_margin_usage" : {
"balance" : "0" ,
"company" : "af13119d-4ed1-4718-aea3-fecee4764837" ,
"margin_params" : {
"margin_mode" : "simple" ,
"params" : {
"asset_params" : {} ,
"auto_liquidation" : true ,
"default_asset_param" : {
"futures_initial_margin" : "0.02" ,
"futures_leverage" : "20000" ,
"futures_maintenance_margin" : "0.01" ,
"option_initial_margin" : "0.15" ,
"option_initial_margin_min" : "0.1" ,
"option_maintenance_margin" : "0.075"
} ,
"liquidation_penalty" : "0.1"
} ,
"margin_usage" : {
"initial_margin" : "0" ,
"maintenance_margin" : "0"
} ,
"max_withdrawable_amount" : "0"
} ,
"pool_address" : null ,
"pool_name" : "API test pool" ,
"positions" : [] ,
"status" : "pending"
} ,
"pool_id" : "cdfbea44-7e75-4688-a3ea-e8d097ae7ede"
Python SDK:
Copy def accept_quote ( self , rfq_id : UUIDv4 , parent_quote_id : UUIDv4 ,
side : TradeSide) -> ApiSingle [ QuoteAcceptResponse ]
SDK examples
Copy accepted = taker_client . accept_quote (
rfq_id = "564eeecb-7466-4af4-b833-907835d6e83b" ,
parent_quote_id = "5368f58e-f385-44cc-a9e5-2e8ea51913bb" ,
side = TradeSide.SELL,
). result
Notes On Clearing Status:
Depending on the quote parameters and prior on-chain calls, the trade can be created in one of three distinct clearing states:
: a new settlement pool needs to be created on-chain; to progress the trade, the taker must execute SettlementPoolFactory.createPool()
on-chain, making sure to include rfq_id
and parent_quote_id
(see Taker Tutorial )
: the taker must execute ERC20.approve()
on-chain with the settlement pool address as the spender and the amount greater or equal to pending_deposits_sum_qty
to progress the trade
: the maker is responsible for progressing the trade further by submitting a final "last look" approval
POST /v1/quotes/maker_last_look
🔐 🪙 20
Used by the maker to finalize a trade or cancel it, in response to taker acceptance. The trade must be in pending_maker_last_look
clearing status.
JSON payload keys:
: Uuid — ID of the quote
: Uuid — ID of the RFQ
: RequestAction — "accept" or "reject"
Example input
Copy {
"parent_quote_id" : "5368f58e-f385-44cc-a9e5-2e8ea51913bb" ,
"rfq_id" : "564eeecb-7466-4af4-b833-907835d6e83b" ,
"action" : "accept"
Output Type: ApiSingle[MakerLastLookResponse]
Example output
Copy {
"result" : {
"atomic_deposit_details" : {
"creator_address" : "0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266" ,
"creator_transfer_amount" : "2103.191818" ,
"other_address" : "0xa0ee7a142d267c1f36714e4a8f75612f20a79720" ,
"other_transfer_amount" : "639.867747" ,
"parent_quote_id" : "5368f58e-f385-44cc-a9e5-2e8ea51913bb" ,
"pool_address" : "0x5e5137b6a596a5d7508756c14d07f83ce8535944" ,
"rfq_id" : "564eeecb-7466-4af4-b833-907835d6e83b"
} ,
"new_clearing_status" : "pending_maker_deposit_approval" ,
"pending_deposits_sum_qty" : "639.867747"
Python SDK:
Copy def maker_last_look ( self , rfq_id : UUIDv4 , parent_quote_id : UUIDv4 ,
action : RequestAction) -> ApiSingle [ MakerLastLookResponse ]
SDK examples
Copy last_look = maker_client . maker_last_look (
rfq_id = "564eeecb-7466-4af4-b833-907835d6e83b" ,
parent_quote_id = "5368f58e-f385-44cc-a9e5-2e8ea51913bb" ,
action = RequestAction.ACCEPT,
). result
Notes On Clearing Status:
Depending on the current settlement pool margin usage and prior on-chain calls, the trade can end up in one of three distinct clearing states:
: the maker must execute ERC20.approve()
on-chain with the settlement pool address as the spender and the amount greater or equal to pending_deposits_sum_qty
to progress the trade
: the maker must execute SettlementPool.depositUSDCAtomic()
on-chain using the settlement pool address as the contract address and the data from atomic_deposit_details
as arguments
: no additional deposits were necessary for initial margin and the trade has successfully cleared
GET /v1/rfqs/sent and GET /v1/rfqs/received
🔐 🪙 10
Fetches RFQs sent or received by the authenticated user.
: Uuid (optional) — filters output by quote ID
: int (optional, max=1,000) — used for pagination
: int (optional) — used for pagination
Output type : ApiPage[RFQ]
Example output
Copy {
"result" : [
"asks" : [] ,
"bids" : [
"additional_margin_requirements" : null ,
"margin_requirements" : null ,
"parent_quote_id" : "5368f58e-f385-44cc-a9e5-2e8ea51913bb" ,
"quote_price" : "65215"
] ,
"created_at" : "2024-04-02T22:42:19.816573Z" ,
"qty" : "1" ,
"quotes_common_metadata" : {
"5368f58e-f385-44cc-a9e5-2e8ea51913bb" : {
"clearing_events" : [
"created_at" : "2024-04-02T22:52:46.609140Z" ,
"parent_quote_id" : "5368f58e-f385-44cc-a9e5-2e8ea51913bb" ,
"rfq_id" : "564eeecb-7466-4af4-b833-907835d6e83b" ,
"status" : "pending_pool_creation" ,
"taker_side" : "sell"
} ,
"created_at" : "2024-04-02T22:55:34.122263Z" ,
"parent_quote_id" : "5368f58e-f385-44cc-a9e5-2e8ea51913bb" ,
"rfq_id" : "564eeecb-7466-4af4-b833-907835d6e83b" ,
"status" : "pending_taker_deposit_approval" ,
"taker_side" : null
] ,
"clearing_status" : "pending_taker_deposit_approval" ,
"creator_params" : {
"margin_mode" : "simple" ,
"params" : {
"asset_params" : {} ,
"auto_liquidation" : true ,
"default_asset_param" : {
"futures_initial_margin" : "0.02" ,
"futures_leverage" : "20000" ,
"futures_maintenance_margin" : "0.01" ,
"option_initial_margin" : "0.15" ,
"option_initial_margin_min" : "0.1" ,
"option_maintenance_margin" : "0.075"
} ,
"liquidation_penalty" : "0.1"
} ,
"expires_at" : "2024-04-03T10:49:20.685499Z" ,
"maker_company" : "af13119d-4ed1-4718-aea3-fecee4764837" ,
"new_pool_name" : "API test pool" ,
"other_params" : {
"margin_mode" : "simple" ,
"params" : {
"asset_params" : {} ,
"auto_liquidation" : true ,
"default_asset_param" : {
"futures_initial_margin" : "0.02" ,
"futures_leverage" : "20000" ,
"futures_maintenance_margin" : "0.01" ,
"option_initial_margin" : "0.15" ,
"option_initial_margin_min" : "0.1" ,
"option_maintenance_margin" : "0.075"
} ,
"liquidation_penalty" : "0.1"
} ,
"parent_quote_id" : "5368f58e-f385-44cc-a9e5-2e8ea51913bb" ,
"pool_creator_company" : "bdd68c99-65fe-4500-baae-5bc09b4af183" ,
"pool_creator_params" : {
"margin_mode" : "simple" ,
"params" : {
"asset_params" : {} ,
"auto_liquidation" : true ,
"default_asset_param" : {
"futures_initial_margin" : "0.02" ,
"futures_leverage" : "20000" ,
"futures_maintenance_margin" : "0.01" ,
"option_initial_margin" : "0.15" ,
"option_initial_margin_min" : "0.1" ,
"option_maintenance_margin" : "0.075"
} ,
"liquidation_penalty" : "0.1"
} ,
"pool_location" : "cdfbea44-7e75-4688-a3ea-e8d097ae7ede" ,
"pool_other_company" : "af13119d-4ed1-4718-aea3-fecee4764837" ,
"pool_other_params" : {
"margin_mode" : "simple" ,
"params" : {
"asset_params" : {} ,
"auto_liquidation" : true ,
"default_asset_param" : {
"futures_initial_margin" : "0.02" ,
"futures_leverage" : "20000" ,
"futures_maintenance_margin" : "0.01" ,
"option_initial_margin" : "0.15"