Getting Started With Omni (Testnet)

This is a step-by-step guide for onboarding onto Variational Omni's testnet. Variational Omni testnet does not use real funds. It is built on a testnet version of Arbitrum called Arbitrum Sepolia.


1. Install MetaMask on Chrome

Install here. You can also use a different web wallet or browser, but these instructions have only been tested with MetaMask.

2. Add the Arbitrum Sepolia network to MetaMask

Follow the instructions here. Make sure to switch the network to Arbitrum Sepolia afterwards.

Step-By-Step Guide

1. Sign in with your wallet

Click "Connect Wallet" and follow the on-screen prompts to create a new Omni account (portfolio) linked with your crypto wallet. During the initial setup on Variational Omni, you will be prompted to deposit funds. Please select "Skip for now" and follow the next step to claim an initial balance of Test USDC.

2. Claim Test USDC (TUSDC) from faucet

Test USDC (TUSDC) has no monetary value and is used only for trading on Omni testnet. To get started, access the faucet from the menu. Simply select your wallet address in the top right corner, choose "Test USDC Faucet" from the dropdown, and click the "Claim" button in the faucet dialog.

3. Deposit funds to your portfolio

Once you have received funds from the faucet, navigate to the "Deposit" menu and enter the amount of TUSDC you wish to deposit.

4. Place your first trade

To execute your first trade, follow these steps:

  1. Select a token

    • Use the asset selector dropdown to find your desired token. You can locate a token by searching by name, contract address, or by browsing through the extensive list of available tokens.

  2. Set trade quantity or configure size with slider

    • Set a specific quantity or adjust the sizing based on your trading strategy and the percentage of your free balance you wish to allocate.

  3. (Optional) Adjust slippage tolerance

    • Set the slippage tolerance according to your risk preference. This setting helps manage any price difference between when your trade is placed and when it is executed.

Asset Selector
(Optional) Set Slippage Tolerance Or Trade Sizing


(Optional) Obtain ETH on Arbitrum Sepolia

Omni uses the latest Ethereum standards to provide a gasless experience, therefore no ETH is required to use the platform. However, it may be useful to have ETH for making transactions on other applications or sending funds to different wallets. To obtain testnet ETH, please follow these steps:

  1. You can mine ETH for Sepolia mainnet at this link.

  2. Bridge your ETH from Sepolia to Arbitrum Sepolia using

Last updated