
Read our full blog post on the zero fee design.

Deposit / Withdraw Fees

Omni charges a flat fee of $0.1 per deposit/withdraw to disincentivize spam and cover gas costs.

Trading Fees

There are now no trading fees on Omni!

Trading fee (taker)
Trading fee (maker)
Settlement fee









Liquidation Fees

As a penalty for liquidations, Omni force-liquidates positions at ask price + 1% (for a short) or bid price - 1% (for a long). See the Liquidation page for more details on the liquidation penalty.


How are you able to offer zero trading fees?

The key difference is that OLP is a community owned vault that is integrated into the Omni platform. Without OLP, external market makers would control the bid/ask spread and the associated revenues from it, and the only way for the protocol to earn revenue would be through trading fees.

If there are no trading fees how does the protocol make money?

It's important to evaluate trading costs holistically. Trading costs include commissions, slippage, and the bid/ask spread. Although there are no commissions, OLP will still provide a bid/ask spread on quotes. Depositors into OLP earn this spread, and a portion of the volume is paid to the protocol as a platform usage fee.

Isn't a platform usage fee a de-facto commission?

The platform usage fee is paid by OLP to the protocol. This means that the cost is borne by OLP depositors, and not the trader. The choice is up to the user to be a liquidity provider or a liquidity taker!

How much is the platform usage fee?

Right now it is set at 0, but this could change in the future.

Last updated